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Who is NBPLF?

Gretchen Pruett, Library Director

“The Foundation is a small group looking for big donations. Their goals are long-term and far-reaching.”

– Gretchen Pruett, Retired Library Director

A Brief History

The New Braunfels Public Library Foundation was founded on November 11, 1996 as a result of looking for ways to help fund the growing needs of our library. During the initial discussion of plans to finance and build a larger library in New Braunfels (what is now the main library located at 700 East Common St), the Library Board met with an HEB executive to explore his company’s criteria for making grants and gifts. At that meeting, the Library Board was urged to establish a foundation to solicit money on behalf of the library. The Library Board was told that corporations do not, as a matter of general practice, make grants directly into municipal treasuries. It was then necessary to establish a state-chartered, tax-exempt foundation to generate and receive corporate grants on behalf of the library. This, combined with the need to handle bequests and trusts that would benefit the library without being mingled with other city funds, led to the Foundation’s creation.

The first challenge of the newly created Foundation was to raise $300,000 to buy furniture and do the landscaping for the new library. The proposed budget from the city for the new library project only included the cost of the building. The city already owned the land which had been used as baseball fields. The Foundation went to work!

To date, the Foundation has raised over $1,000,000 for the New Braunfels Public Library and funded projects such as the RIOrover, RIOmobile, STORYWALK at Morningside Park, children’s room, teen corner, a book kiosk, and coffee kiosk. In addition to these wonderful additions to our library, the Foundation has also funded library expansion studies and advocated on the library’s behalf to be considered for bond projects to add a Westside and Souteast branch.

Current projects include creating a teaching garden for cultural programs at the Westside branch and a community garden, storybook walk and pavilion at the Main library. The Foundation depends on community donations and is so thankful for past supporters that helped to bring these wonderful benefits to the library.

Why donate to the New Braunfels Public Library Foundation?

We believe in the impact that the library has on our community. Every age group benefits from our library, from our youngest at Story Times to our seniors using the bookmobile. By offering free access to materials, programs, training, and services, our library offers exciting ways for people to grow and learn. By donating to the NBPL Foundation, you are helping us open the world of knowledge and imagination to our community.

Libraries Change Lives.

An older gentleman who recently lost his wife now comes in daily to read the newspaper, have a cup of coffee, and chat with the librarians, his only contact with the outside world. There is the young boy who struggles with reading, but can’t wait to come to the library to read aloud to a service dog with PAWS TO READ. The new bookmobile brings the library to our seniors. One resident at RIO TERRA wrote us to say, “My life was so small until you brought the world to me in books. Thank you, thank you for the bookmobile.” Libraries represent the very best in what a society can offer: equal access to training, literacy, personal growth – helping everyone in our community explore, learn, and grow. 

What we do on the Foundation really makes a difference in the lives of our community – from transforming the library experience with a coffee kiosk, new Teen area, and completely remodeled Children’s Room to bringing the library to others with the book kiosk at City Hall, the library’s colorful bookmobile, the RIOmobile, and our outreach transit van, the RIORover. 

Why People Give to Nonprofits

  • They feel a connection to the organization
  • To make a difference
  • To share their good fortune
  • For recognition
  • To ensure the organization’s ability to fulfill its mission in the future
  • For tax reasons
  • To ensure their pet project finds a home

Our Mission:

The mission of the New Braunfels Public Library Foundation (NBPLF) is to secure private funding to meet the library’s needs for program development and improvement of services and facilities that are not normally met by public funding.

Board Officers

  • Marlene “Cookie” Roark
  • Lynn Norvell
    Past President
  • Christy Sassman
  • Bobi Anderson
    Recording Secretary
  • Lou Ann Butts
    Corresponding Secretary
  • Suzanne Rogers
    Book & Author Luncheon Chair
  • Karen Mayer
    Book & Author Luncheon Chair
  • Tara Woodard
    Stay at Home Book Ball


  • Suzanne Badger
  • Cathy Cornelius
  • Mary Owens
  • Laurianne Rodriguez
  • Carrie Martin