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rendering of SE library

Prop C Passed!


Thank you to all who turned out to vote for the 2023 Bond. The bond passed and our community will get a new library branch on the Southeast of town. We are so excited for all the wonderful ways this new branch will enrich the lives of our community. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Westside garden layout

Westside Garden Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorships for items in the Westside Library’s Teaching Garden are still available. Show the community that you support the library for years to come with your name placed as a sponsor on Picnic Tables, Raised Beds, Flowerpots, Benches, Raised Planters, and Brick Walkways.


In The News

Long-awaited westside library branch holds grand opening in New Braunfels

By Erica Wilson The Herald-Zeitung
Sep 18, 2023

“I am just so pleased that you are all here for this occasion — it’s been a while coming, but this community deserves a world-class library, and that’s what you have today,” – NB Library Director Gretchen Pruett

Sun mural in children's area of new Westside Branch


Our completed work

Check out some of the projects the New Braunfels Public Library Foundation has implemented for our community.


our events
The Foundation holds two annual fundraisers: the popular Book and Author Luncheon and the Stay at Home Book Ball.


of the foundation
Our Foundation is grateful for our generous sponsors and their continued support and investment in our library.
  • new braunfels public library foundation
  • new braunfels public library foundation
  • new braunfels public library foundation
  • new braunfels public library foundation
  • new braunfels public library foundation
  • new braunfels public library foundation

Support Your Library

Consider donating to improve your local library.

new braunfels public library foundation

Our Mission

The mission of the New Braunfels Public Library Foundation is to secure private funding to meet the library’s needs for program development and improvement of services and facilities that are not normally met by public funding.